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The New Rules of Marketing and PR
This is a great book. I am about 1/3 through and it really hits the target in the shift that is occurring with internet marketing, PR and advertising. For small businesses or large, it would be a good book to read to understand how other internet activities can enhance your web site and increase your bottom line.
Internet Advertising 2008
$27.5 billion is the anticipated amount that will be spent in the U.S. on various forms of Internet advertising in 2008, according to projections. The internet continues to expand and increase in user participation, broadband connections, faster speed, and varieties of web presentations. Advertising on social networks and online video are both projected to grow at double-digit rates this year. MySpace and YouTube are the two leaders in this area that is growing rapidly. We predict that the next trend, just like searches, will be towards local social networking and online video sites, as local business opportunities seek to compete with national for local advertising dollars.
$27.5 billion is the anticipated amount that will be spent in the U.S. on various forms of Internet advertising in 2008, according to projections. The internet continues to expand and increase in user participation, broadband connections, faster speed, and varieties of web presentations. Advertising on social networks and online video are both projected to grow at double-digit rates this year. MySpace and YouTube are the two leaders in this area that is growing rapidly. We predict that the next trend, just like searches, will be towards local social networking and online video sites, as local business opportunities seek to compete with national for local advertising dollars.