Why Do Websites Glow in the Dark?

Small businesses are ramping up their internet presence and learning that websites are the most effective form of advertising for the least cost. By having a powerful internet presence you can leverage your print ads by reducing the size and promoting only the website. The good news? You save money and increase your response to the ad ! Have you seen some of these ads yet? By having a catchy tagline such as
" Why Do WebSites Glow in the Dark?" at the top of the ad, the second line could read:

"Find out at www.Logion.net"

Now there is a compelling reason called curiosity that most people who see the ad will go there just to find out the answer to the question. Once there, then the home page of the site needs to be engaging to their eyes, have a strong "look and feel" which inspires, motivates, or in a subtle way encourages them to want to stay there and browse around. The rest is in how to present the product or service in such a way that it is an offer that they cannot refuse.

Some people may respond to the professional look of the home page and that is enough . Some may want to browse around a bit. Others may want to read every word on every page. The presentation of the site is just as important as the product or service being offered.

In the book, "Submit Now", there is a whole strategy of getting users to click, whether they are on an e-commerce site, or a retail small town store site.

Bottom line: Use a website to leverage your other marketing, increase responses, get creative, and compete more effectively. Then take your business to the next level.

David Brown
Logion Web Design
