If you are considering a Salem Oregon website design project, you probably are also thinking about Google, especially getting found on Google. SEO, or search engine optimization is a complex matrix of methods involving ongoing development of links and content to increase the page ranking relevance of your website by Google's mysterious algorhythms and Googlebot updates in near real time.

SEO is becoming an expected part of website design and this is a recent trend. It used to be that SEO was a separate service altogether but the general consensus is that if my site cannot be found, why build it? This opens up a whole new level of bidding and giving estimates for website development, as the SEO activity is very time consuming and eats up the hours.

Don't be surprised if the estimate for a full custom website design and development project that includes SEO, and social media setup with SEO runs between $2500 and $5000. With programming added for e-commerce it could be more. Anything less and you may get a partial package.

I get calls and see many sites where people just want to do it on their own. It usually shows, and gives the impression to the site visitor that the business is not as good as they were hoping, in comparison to other sites in the same area. This is unfortunate, and becomes more obvious from this side of the business, as a web developer, seeing the results of increasing web traffic, positive feedback on sites design, and top-of-Google results for many clients.

Website design and development should include SEO, but it needs to be understood for what it is and what is involved. The site itself needsto be SEO friendsly including titles, meta tags, and header tags that include keyword phrases relevant to the type of business. Links into the site need to be from sites that have similar relevant content, and the list goes on.

Usually a business owner is too busy to take the time and research and training to develop and optimize their own site. It is an investment in the future of your business.

- David Brown
Salem Oregon webmaster